1.3. Chainsaw As Logging Host

Sending logs is just one side of the coin. The other part is displaying the logs and finding the relevant parts. One such application is Chainsaw. It can receive log messages in XML format over a network or read them from a file. You can search for elements in the messages or you can filter them by log level or regular expression.

Chainsaw displaying log messages

Chainsaw displaying log messages

The upper half contains the log messages arranged like cells in a spreadsheet. The lower half displays one message at at time in detail. The default layout of the detail pane consumes rather much of the available area so I modified it a bit. If you want to change the layout just click the edit button and alter the HTML code in the editor window. If you like my layout you can copy-and-paste it from log4sendpp/chainsaw. This directory also contains a modified startup script which increases the memory pool and starts the receiver in XML format on port 4448. Copy all the files to your Chainsaw directory.